ISRA Vision continues successful course

May 31, 2007
MAY 31, 2007--ISRA Vision (Darmstadt, Germany) has continued its profitable growth of the past nine years in the first half of FY2006/2007.

MAY 31, 2007--ISRA Vision (Darmstadt, Germany), a supplier of industrial image-processing systems, has continued its profitable growth of the past nine years in the first half of FY2006/2007 (October 1, 2006, to March 31, 2007). Total operating revenue (net sales plus capitalized developments) grew by 6% and net profit by 7%.

Following the first-time distribution of a dividend, which amounted to 0.7 million euros (0.15 euros per share), net cash assets rose by 3.3 million euros from the end of the previous fiscal year, with 1.4 million euros deriving from operating activities.

In the first half of 2006/2007, the ISRA group's net sales rose by 5% to 23.2 million euros and total operating revenue increased by 6% to 26.2 million euros. Gross profit (total operating revenue minus production costs) advanced by 8%, with the gross profit margin (gross profit in relation to total operating revenue) rising to 59% (previous year: 58%) as a consequence.

The ISRA group's EBT (earnings before taxes) gained 2% in the period October 1, 2006, to March 31, 2007, increasing to 4.5 million euros. The EBT margin (EBT in relation to total operating revenue) reached 17% (previous year: 18%). The return on sales before taxes was 20%, the same as in the corresponding period last fiscal year.

Net profit improved by 7% to reach 3.1 million euros, its highest level in the history of the company. In addition, measures taken to improve cash management are showing the first signs of success. As a result, cash assets (fund assets) grew by 3.3 million euros, reaching 18.8 million euros. This means liquid assets now account for 20% of total assets.

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