Software adds pattern matching
Software adds pattern matching The IMAQ Vision Version 5.0 software incorporates pattern- and color-matching virtual instruments for LabVIEW graphical measurement and instrumentation software. It can quickly and accurately locate objects regardless of size, orientation, and focus. In pattern matching, the software uses a patent-pending algorithm that can run more than 100 times faster than conventional pattern matching using gray-scale correlation algorithms. It also can measure, compare, and match colors and display images 50% faster than earlier versions. Only 1% of the pixels from the sample template and a subset of pixels from the target image are needed to complete a match. Pattern-matching software running on a Pentium MMX 200-MHz computer can find objects within 400 ms. National Instruments,11500 N. Mopac Expwy, Austin, TX 78759; (512) 794-0100; Fax: (512) 794-5759.