Dr. Robert McConnell
Dr. McConnell received a B.S.E from Princeton University, M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. Past positions include Director of Research, Wayland Research, Inc.; technical staff, Arthur D. Little, Inc.; Visiting Professor, University of Rhode Island and President, Earth Sciences Research Inc.
His professional interests focus on information theory based statistical pattern recognition methods for color, hyperspectral, and other images. They include development of WAY-2C a color machine vision software system for inspection and process control, used in such industries as automotive, food, recycling, wood, and consumer products.
He is a frequent speaker on machine vision and image analysis at trade meetings and the author of over 35 professional papers and two comprehensive pattern recognition patents. Memberships include AIA, SME, SPIE, ASPRS and the steering committee of the Boston Chapter of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.