Thales Computers opens office in China

April 13, 2007
APRIL 13--Thales (Edison, NJ, USA, and Toulon, France) has opened a new office in Beijing, People's Republic of China.

APRIL 13--Thales (Edison, NJ, USA, and Toulon, France;, a provider of VMEbus and Compact PCI single-board-computer products and systems, has opened a new office in Beijing, People's Republic of China. The office is located in the Tianzhu airport industrial zone in Beijing, within a facility that is currently utilized by several Thales companies to provide services and support for its customers.

"The market for embedded computing in China is at a very exciting and challenging stage, and it is strategically vital for us to become a leading supplier of COTS in this region," said Christian Baud, chief executive officer of Thales Computers. "China promises to be an important market for our high-performance embedded COTS computer systems, and we will leverage Thales' significant investments in facilities, know-how, and people."

Thales is an international electronics and systems group, serving defense, aerospace, security, and services markets worldwide. Thales computers activities
include development of commercial and ruggedized VMEbus & CompactPCI multiprocessing solutions based on PowerPC and Intel microprocessors.

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