Seidenader Group moves into Markt Schwaben facility

Nov. 26, 2008
NOVEMBER 26, 2008--Seidenader Group, a supplier for inspection technology and vision systems for the pharmaceutical industry, has moved into the expansion building of its Markt Schwaben facility, designed by architect Otto Bertermann from SSP Architekten, Munich.

NOVEMBER 26, 2008--Seidenader Group (, a supplier for inspection technology and vision systems for the pharmaceutical industry, has moved into the expansion building of its Markt Schwaben facility, designed by architect Otto Bertermann from SSP Architekten, Munich.

After eight months of construction, an additional 2100 m2 of office space and 2000 m2 of manufacturing floor are now available next to the present headquarters, nearly doubling the current capacity. The new building is connected to the existing facility via a glass-and-steel bridge.

The company has focused its attention on the use of environmentally compatible materials and technology. A geothermal pump system is used to heat and cool the building. At the production hall, a "green roof" provides an additional isolator layer that ensures a cooled working environment in summer without wasting energy for air conditioning.

A part of the manufacturing building will also be the new home of Seidenader Präzisionstechnik GmbH, which is currently at an interim location. With five CNC machining centers and a team of 20 fitters and programmers, this division of the Seidenader Group produces components for the medical device industry.

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