Hewlett-Packard Co. has named Thomas A. Saponas chief technology officer of its yet-unnamed

June 1, 1999
Hewlett-Packard Co. has named Thomas A. Saponas chief technology officer of its yet-unnamed measurement company. He was formerly vice president and general manager of HP`s Electronic Instruments Group. In addition, HP has appointed Byron J. Anderson, currently vice president and general manager of the Microwave and Communications Group, as the leader of its newly formed Electronic Solutions Group.

Hewlett-Packard Co. has named Thomas A. Saponas chief technology officer of its yet-unnamed measurement company. He was formerly vice president and general manager of HP`s Electronic Instruments Group. In addition, HP has appointed Byron J. Anderson, currently vice president and general manager of the Microwave and Communications Group, as the leader of its newly formed Electronic Solutions Group.


Palo Alto, CA


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