Life Sciences
DSP board serves flexible interfaces The SMT321 PCI butterfly accelerator board contains a Sharp
DSP board serves flexible interfaces The SMT321 PCI butterfly accelerator board contains a Sharp "butterfly" BDSP9124 50-MHz DSP, two Pythagoros filters, and a TI C44 DSP. It delivers a 100-Mbyte/s transfer rate from PCI devices, and FFT results can be moved to off- board resources at 80 Mbytes/s. In addition to a 1-Gbit/s serial link interface that is compatible with the Fibre Channel standard, a user-defined digital interface can be designed via a re-configurable FPGA to simulate frame grabber operation and perform low-level DSP processing. Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd., Chiltern House, Waterside, Chesham, HP5 1PS, England; (0) 1494 793167; Fax: (0) 1491 793168.