While machine-vision systems are becoming increasingly powerful, they are still inferior to their biological counterparts. In terms of object recognition, much can still be learned from studying the visual systems of humans and animals.
Scrutinizing biological systems and applying the findings to the construction of computational vision models and artificial vision systems is a promising way of advancing the field of machine vision.
Conversely, evaluating the performance of such models and systems in comparison to the biological systems can provide important feedback for a better understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying natural vision.
Now, a special session on bio-inspired machine vision at Bionetics 2011 (Dec. 5-7, 2011; York, England) aims to address those issues by bringing together scientists from fields such as computer science, engineering, psychology, neuroscience, and biology to discuss their current work.
The session will provide an opportunity for exchanging research ideas and initiating cross-disciplinary research partnerships that may lead to novel approaches and developments in both machine vision and the study of biological vision.
-- Posted by Vision Systems Design