Cameras and Accessories
Monochrome camera fits on a board
Monochrome camera fits on a board
As a monochrome camera for industrial applications, the UL-BC460/P measures just more than 1.5 ¥ 1.5 in. Offering 1/3-in. CCD, 510 ¥ 492 resolution, the camera and board feature electronic iris, AGC, and external sync. The unit is shipped with a 3.6-mm, full-view pinhole lens that provides a 68 field of view. An additional lens mount allows 2.5-, 3.6-, 6-, 8-, and 16-mm lenses to be used. The camera operates at 12 Vdc and consumes 1.6 W.
Ultrak OEM, 1220 Champion Circle, Suite 100, Carrolton, TX 75006; (800) 650-1024.