Nortech Systems to supply Camera Link cable assemblies for fingerprinting system
APRIL 18--The Intercon 1 division of Nortech Systems Inc. (Wayzata, MN; has reached an agreement with Visionics Corp. (Minnetonka, MN, and Jersey City, NJ; to supply Camera Link cable assemblies. These specialized cable assemblies will be used in the Visionics FingerPrinter CMS fingerprint-capture and transmission system.
The FingerPrinter CMS is an integrated live-scan fingerprinting system that captures, prints, and transmits forensic-quality fingerprints to law-enforcement databases, including the US FBI Automated Fingerprint Identification System database. According to Visionics, the FingerPrinter CMS can be installed in any office and is designed for use on standard tabletops or desktops. To date, FingerPrinter CMS systems have been ordered by more than 50 airports and law-enforcement agencies across the United States.
Intercon 1 is one of only two suppliers in the world recognized by the Camera Link committee as an approved supplier of Camera Link cable assemblies. (The other supplier is a Fortune 200 corporation.) Camera Link is an interface protocol designed to improve compatibility between components of machine vision systems; products adhering to the Camera Link standard are interchangeable with each other.
The Intercon 1 Product Development Group (Baxter, MN) designed and developed the #89878 High-Flex cable used exclusively in these Camera Link assemblies. This proprietary cable is designated as InterFlex--a 1 million-plus flex cycle cable for industrial applications. In independent OEM testing, this cable has surpassed 5 million flex cycles.
"Since introducing this new product, we've shipped Camera Link assemblies to more than 20 countries around the world," comments Bud Brown, general manager of the Intercon 1 division. "The potential market for Camera Link assemblies is growing rapidly."