Lumenera reports strong annual fiscal results

March 3, 2010
A 9.6% increase in year-over-year revenue and 11.8% increase in EBITDA was announce by Lumenera, a division of Roper Industries and a manufacturer digital cameras and custom imaging solutions.

A 9.6% increase in year-over-year revenue and 11.8% increase in EBITDA was announce byLumenera (Ottawa, ON, Canada;, a division of Roper Industries and a manufacturer digital cameras and custom imaging solutions for surveillance, scientific, and industrial markets.

For the 7th consecutive year the company reported strong financial standings. The company said it realized this year-over-year growth through strategic execution of corporate objectives, a diverse customer base, and new product introductions, including aGigE product line and a 16-Mpixel industrial USB 2.0 camera.

“We are extremely pleased with our strong fiscal year-end results and healthy financial position,” commented Huw Leahy, president of Lumenera. “Recurring revenue, a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, and our ability to fulfil the most unique imaging requirements close the year with promise for continued growth in 2010.”

Posted byVision Systems Design

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