Cameras and Accessories

Authorized thermal-imaging camera-repair center opens

MARCH 23--BFi OPTiLAS (Evry, France; and Raytheon Commercial Infrared have opened their Authorized Repair Center for thermal-imaging cameras.
March 23, 2004

MARCH 23--BFi OPTiLAS (Evry, France; and Raytheon Commercial Infrared have opened their Authorized Repair Center for thermal-imaging cameras. The center will provide services for Europe and is located in Dietzenbach, Germany, near Frankfurt. The center will be managed by BFi OPTiLAS and staffed by technicians trained by Raytheon in the repair and maintenance of BST detector cameras utilizing new test-and-measurement equipment.

The center has undergone rigorous testing and inspection to ensure that the highest standards will be maintained. "Locating the center in Germany allows European customers to receive efficient servicing of their cameras and much quicker turnaround than previously experienced," said Chris Bade, president of Raytheon Commercial Infrared. Prior to the creation of this new center, cameras were shipped to the repair center in the United States, and additional time was required for transportation.

"We are pleased to have been selected and met the demanding standards of Raytheon Commercial Infrared for this center," Said Phil Dunning, co-president of BFi OPTiLAS. "We are confident that we can provide rapid repair of thermal-imaging cameras and achieve the quality levels required by our customers."

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