Saccade Vision

Rehovot 7670102


About Saccade Vision


2 Oppenhaimer St, 6th Fl
Scientific Park
Rehovot 7670102

More Info on Saccade Vision

We develop autonomous machine vision solutions for dimensional inspection and robotic guidance


Platinum Emergent

2021 Vision Systems Design Innovators Awards Honorees

For the seventh straight year, Vision Systems Design held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found...
Figure 1: Designed for inspection tasks, Matrox AltiZ 3D profile sensors feature a dual-camera, single-laser design and work with Matrox Imaging or third-party machine vision software.
3D Imaging

Recent advancements expand the scope of 3D imaging for machine vision

Speed, accuracy, and resolution highlight latest 3D vision innovations.

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