
Salem, NH 03079


About ProPhotonix



13 Red Roof Ln
Suite 200
Salem, NH 03079
United States

More Info on ProPhotonix

ProPhotonix offers OEMs a complete illumination solution for LED and Laser requirements. ProPhotonix has developed unique expertise across applications including machine vision, UV curing, medical equipment and security applications. 


Multispec Product (vsd)
Cameras and Accessories

New Multispectral LED Light Launched

New line designed for machine vision applications such as sorting, automated inspection tasks.
Vsd Prophotonix Laser
Cameras and Accessories

Industrial UV Lasers at Wavelength of 375 nm

The laser modules are available in a range of optics with fixed or adjustable focal lengths.
Photo 141557840 © Phuchit |
Cameras and Accessories

Tools for Illumination Specification

Getting illumination right for your application means starting early in the process and using all the tools available to you from lighting suppliers.
Hyperspectral Multispectral Line Light Cobra Multispec
Cameras and Accessories

Hyperspectral LED line lights configurable for up to twelve wavelengths

The new lights can provide illumination between 365 and 1700 nm for a range of potential applications.
Innovators Cover Web Hero

Vision Systems Design announces 2020 Innovators Awards

For the sixth straight year, Vision Systems Design held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found ...
Figure 1: (a) This active extended depth of field demonstration works by simultaneously refocusing the camera and the structured light projector at multiple planes for 3D reconstruction. (b) The image on the top shows a merged image, completely in focus, while the image on the bottom shows one image, partially in focus.
Cameras and Accessories

Machine vision lighting companies address niche imaging requirements

Choosing the correct type of lighting in a machine vision application improves the contrast between features of an object being inspected and its background, while maximizing ...

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