Philips Medical Systems launches XMR system
NOVEMBER 16--Philips Medical Systems, a division of Royal Philips Electronics (, has developed and installed a new imaging system at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. This XMR system partners the 1.5 T Intera I/T magnetic-resonance (MR) scanner with an Integris vascular angiography system in the same room. The University of California San Francisco Medical Center is the first location to use the XMR system, which will give clinicians power to make accurate diagnoses more quickly and to deliver the right therapy at the right time.
The two components of the system have been installed in different bays within the same room at the University's radiology department. Closing a lead- and copper-shielded sliding door can separate the bays, enabling the two imaging components to be used independently. Independent use enables economic exploration when no combined cases are scheduled.
For combined use, a floating table enables doctors to slide a patient between the two machines without lifting or disturbing the patient. The most valuable information gained from both modalities can be viewed on ceiling-suspended displays next to the system. Images from the MR scanner, featuring real-time interactive scanning, can be viewed on the same screens.
The XMR system provides clinicians with the positive aspects of both x-ray and MR modalities in the same room. X-ray is still the modality of choice for catheter guidance and endovascular interventions. However, MR provides soft-tissue contrast and functional information previously not available during an intervention.
Applications include the diagnosis and treatment of strokes, cardiac interventions, and other interventional procedures that would accumulate high-levels of x-ray dose if carried out solely with an x-ray-based system.