Video surveillance software is updated
MARCH 26--ObjectVideo (Reston, VA;, a developer of intelligent video surveillance software for physical security applications, has released the latest version of its flagship product, VEW 1.5 (Video Early Warning). This software features an enhanced user interface, counterflow detection in crowds, and automated support for cameras with multiple views (for example, pan-tilt-zoom and mobile cameras).
The VEW system "watches" video surveillance feeds from a camera or digital video system and accurately detects, identifies, and analyzes objects captured on video automatically and in real-time. Its intuitive user interface allows security personnel to specify objects and events they want detected; detection schedules; how and when they want to be alerted; who should be alerted; and how the information is presented.
The counterflow-detection function detects traffic flow that does not follow approved paths. For example, many secured facilities such as airports, prisons, construction sites, and parking garages have "one-way" flow zones, such as passage from secure to unsecured areas and entry-exit doorways or gates. It "watches" the flow of people, vehicles, and objects in designated areas and alerts security personnel if someone or something goes the wrong way.
The multiview function enables each view to have its own set of detection and response rules that will be automatically engaged as the view is presented and automatically disengaged as the view moves away. Each time a multiplexed video signal switches to a different camera, this function automatically engages the proper rule set for that camera.