Advanced Micro Peripherals opens North American office
JUNE 3, 2009--Embedded video specialistAdvanced Micro Peripherals (Cambridge, UK; has opened a North American office in New York City, which is expected to streamline service to existing customers as well as maintain the steady growth in business and new enquiries seen from across the United States and Canada.
Manager Remo Foss says, "We appreciate how customers value a fast, local response to enquiries ranging from technical data requests to updates on orders and delivery status. Our new office will offer proactive help to customers embarking on demanding new embedded video projects."
The company continues to develop new MPEG-4 and H.264 hardware offerings for demanding video applications in surveillance systems, airborne and mobile defense, and traffic management. With key customers based in the United States, UK, and Europe, the new office will support the continued growth in these markets.
From its design center near Cambridge (UK), AMP also offers Design Services to meet the needs of specialized customer requirements.
-- Posted by Vision Systems Design,