IR detector features 17-micron pixel pitch

May 18, 2009
MAY 18, 2009-- A new fourth-generation infrared detector enables higher definition in IR surveillance cameras and in all-weather and night thermal imagers that enhance driver vision in military vehicles.

MAY 18, 2009-- A new fourth-generation infrared detector enables higher definition in IR surveillance cameras and in all-weather and night thermal imagers that enhance driver vision in military vehicles. The large XGA format (1024 x 768) 17-micron pixel-pitch IR detector has doubled the number of pixels of earlier IR models. The technology will allow system integrators and IR camera makers to reduce the size and weight of optical systems, which will allow them to design smaller cameras.
Veurey-Voroize, France

For related information, visit the Infrared Imaging topic center.

-- Posted by Carrie Meadows, Vision Systems Design,



ULIS paves way for hi-def Infrared imaging

ULIS launches a new large format 17-micron pixel pitch (1024 x 768) IR detector offering higher resolution imagery for surveillance cameras and enhanced night vision driving of military vehicles

Veurey-Voroize, France, April 14, 2009 - ULIS, a high-volume manufacturer of infrared detectors for low-cost IR cameras in industrial, professional, and security applications, announced today that the company is launching a new 4th generation IR detector that paves the way for higher-definition in IR surveillance cameras and in all-weather & night thermal imagers that enhance driver vision in military vehicles.

The image quality of an IR detector depends on the spatial resolution or number of pixels, which means that the higher the number of pixels, the better quality the image. The XGA format (1024 x 768) 17-micron pixel pitch IR detector from ULIS has doubled the number of pixels of earlier IR models, thereby significantly increasing resolution and meeting requirements of higher-performance IR products.

"We are delighted about extending our product offering and providing customers with more choice among high-end IR products," says Jean-François Delepau, managing director of ULIS. "This large format 17 micron IR detector is further evidence of our ability to mass produce state-of-the-art performance and high uniform products. We will be extending this technique to enhancing the compactness of our smaller formats, such as the popular 640 x 480, as we ramp up production towards the third quarter of 2009."

ULIS is one of a handful of companies in the world to make 17-micron IR detectors and the first to introduce them to commercial applications. This new technology will allow system integrators and IR camera makers to reduce the size and weight of optical systems, which will enable them to design smaller cameras.

Uncooled IR detectors first came to the market in 1995, but large format IR detectors were either unavailable or unaffordable for applications other than for the military. ULIS has made significant advances in the reduction of pixel pitch (miniscule dots of resolution), which are critical to improving IR image quality, as well as size reduction and camera performance.

About ULIS

ULIS manufactures high-volume infrared detectors for low-cost IR cameras. It offers a range of small and large form factor IR products for industrial, professional, and security applications. ULIS' IR detectors are key components of IR equipment increasingly used in energy audits in buildings, thermography, security & surveillance, and night vision driving for motor vehicles, as well as fire-fighting and lightweight military equipment. ULIS is the leader of uncooled infrared detectors based on an amorphous silicon technology called microbolometers, an easy and reliable semiconductor material to manufacture. Customers recognize ULIS' IR detectors for their low weight, low power consumption and availability in large volumes. Compared with any other thermal imaging supplier, ULIS offers unique advantages in enabling OEMs, worldwide, to custom-design IR systems, allowing them to achieve true differentiation with their IR camera products.

ULIS, a subsidiary of Sofradir and GE Equity, is located in Veurey-Voroize, near Grenoble, France and employs 120 people.

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About Sofradir-EC, Inc.
Sofradir-EC is a member of Groupe Sofradir, one of the world's leading infrared imaging technology companies. Since its inception, Groupe Sofradir has seen significant growth, employing a staff of 500 in 2008. Formerly known as Electrophysics Corp., the company was originally incorporated in 1969 and quickly became a leader in the design, development and marketing of infrared and low light imaging systems. The Electrophysics line of infrared cameras and night vision photography products are recognized for their quality and performance.

The company joined Groupe Sofradir in December 2008. Now known as Sofradir-EC, the company continues to serve its existing customers with night vision modules, hand-held thermal imaging cameras as well as high performance scientific cameras. In addition, the company also supplies world-class infrared imaging arrays (both cooled and uncooled) from the Groupe Sofradir divisions (see below) in order to satisfy the needs of a wide range of new commercial and military program customers. As experts in imaging electronics, detector signal processing, radiometry, optics specification and many other disciplines, the company is confident that it can meet the needs of the diversity of its customers.

Sofradir EC offers infrared and low-light imaging customers both discrete imaging components as well as certain modules and finished products to enable a wide range of applications. Our design, engineering and production capabilities, as well as technical and service support continue to be our strengths. As such, the company welcomes any design inquiries.

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