Factory Automation

Survey says Europe embracing integrated automation components

NOVEMBER 17--An upswing seems likely in the European automation market for components where PLC functionality is embedded, according to a recently published report from IMS Research (Wellingborough, UK; www.imsresearch.com).
Nov. 17, 2006

NOVEMBER 17--An upswing seems likely in the European automation market for components where PLC functionality is embedded, according to a recently published report from IMS Research (Wellingborough, UK; www.imsresearch.com), a supplier of market studies on Industrial Automation. Key findings from a survey of purchasers and specifiers of industrial automation components included

--More than three-quarters of respondents were aware of products being offered with embedded PLCs.
--More than two-thirds of respondents either purchased some embedded PLC products today, or planned to do so within the next three years.
--Nearly all (>95%) respondents believed that embedded PLCs would cost less than separate PLC solutions and that embedded PLC components would cost less to install.
--Profibus-DP, Ethernet TCP/IP, and CANopen were the most popular communication protocols used by respondents with hardware with embedded PLCs.
--Nearly 90% stated that communication with other embedded PLCs and a program backup facility to a PC were important; nearly 80% stated that remote monitoring from a separate PLC was important.

One concern raised by survey responses was a widespread lack of awareness of the importance of IEC-61131 and IEC-61499 programming standards. Thispoints to a need for stronger promotion from the manufacturers and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

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