STMicroelectronics Launching New Global Shutter Sensor

Jan. 2, 2024
Compact sensor designed for a wide array of machine vision applications.

STMicrolectronics has announced the upcoming launch of a new global shutter image sensor, the VD55G1. The sensor, sampling now and expected to be available in 2024, has 800 x 700 pixel resolution, pixel array size of 1.73 x 1.73 mm, and an optical format of 1/10 in with 600 x 600 crop. It has a frame rate of 170 fps at 800 x 700, 260 fps at video graphics array (VGA), and 460 fps at 320 x 240. It has a number of features and capabilities, including disruptive streaming modes and an autonomous wake up mode. It has dynamic defective pixel correction, 3 – 9 dB noise reduction, and embedded multi auto exposure. It is designed for a wide variety of computer vision applications, including robotics, drones, barcodes, biometrics, embedded vision, and scene recognition.

Contact: STMicroelectronics

Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

Product: VD55G1 global shutter sensor

Key Features: 800 x 700 pixel resolution, up to 460 fps frame rate, 3-9 dB noise reduction

What STMicrolectronics says: View more information on VD55G1 global shutter sensor.

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