Recently shown to be a driving force behind machine-vision innovations, 3-D vision will be one of the key topics at VISION 2011, which will be held at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre from Nov. 8-10, 2011. Industry surveys conducted in Germany and Europe by the VDMA machine-vision group and the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) support the increased focus on 3-D vision: According to these surveys, the proportion of 3-D measuring tasks increased substantially from 10% to 15% between 2008 and 2009. The actual figure in relation to the European machine-vision industry was 16%.
VISION 2011 will feature the latest 3-D machine-vision products, systems, and applications, including image-acquisition devices as well as 3-D imaging software for evaluating and presenting 3-D data. Machine-vision specialists will present information on which 3-D image-acquisition methods are suited for specific applications. In particular, Tobias Henzler of Stemmer Imaging will discuss (1) triangulation methods that evaluate geometric data: stereo vision, laser light section, shape from shading, and fringe projection; (2) focus variation and interferometry, methods that use the wavelength of light; and (3) laser scanners and time-of-flight (TOF) imaging, methods that measure the transit time of light.
"The advantage of 3-D image acquisition and machine vision," says Henzler, "is that features and defects in freeform surfaces can be detected without the shape, color, or texture of the surface causing any major problems. Unlike 2-D machine vision, you also obtain metric height information."
Exhibitors will be highlighting the latest 3-D imaging equipment and tools. Among the 3-D offerings to be displayed:
* Automation Technology - 3-D C4-4090-GigE camera with GenICam
* LMI Technologies - Gocator Series 3-D profile sensor
* Sirius Advanced Cybernetics (SAC) - Pulsar inline 3-D inspection system, based on light-pattern topometry, for testing surface-mounted device solder connections
* Vision Components - VC nano 3D smart camera, which uses laser triangulation
* Kappa - Tauri-HD 02150 SDI color CCD camera
* Stemmer Imaging - GenTL driver for VRmagic's AreaScan3D light-pattern projector
* Allied Vision Technologies - 3-D camera solutions used in medical imaging and other applications
The trade fair is expected to attract between 330 and 340 exhibitors presenting the latest cameras, vision sensors, frame grabbers, software tools, illumination systems, lenses, accessories, and complete systems, application solutions, and services in addition to those listed here.
SOURCE: Messe Stuttgart
-- Posted by Vision Systems Design